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Welcome to our online application tool

On the following pages you may enter the data for your online application.

Please click on "Registration" to start the application process.

  1. Enter your contact data and the program you want to apply for.
  2. An e-mail with your activation key and further instructions will be sent to your e-mail address. As soon as your account has been activated, you may log in.
  3. In your profile and on the application pages you will be able to enter all data relevant for your application.
  4. Some information (such as your résumé/CV or your certificates) will have to be uploaded as pdf.
  5. You may log in as many times as you wish to complete your application.
  6. You can create a compendium (PDF Summary File) and save it to your records.
  7. In order to submit your application, don't forget to click "Submit" above the completed application.
  8. Only after you have submitted your application our office will be able to consider your application for the admissions process.
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charité — Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin

T +49 30 450 539710
F +49 30 450 539970
M ecn-application@charite.de
W http://www.ecn-berlin.de/